
          Welcome to Frankfort Township Republican Organization.

          The April 6, 2021 Consolidated Election saw the entire Republican slate re-elected overwhelmingly with the Democrat candidates for Clerk and Trustees running a negative campaign defeated 2 to 1.  The Frankfort Township Republican Organization congratulates the winners:

Supervisor Jim Moustis

Highway Commissioner Bill Carlson

Assessor Joe Kral

Clerk Nella Piccolin

Trustees David Smith, Laura Miroballi, Nick George and Gayla Smith

Collector Jessica Kot

          The Republican township slate was unopposed in the April 4, 2017 Consolidated Election. 

          On April 9, 2013, Frankfort Township voters overwhelmingly re-elected all 9 members of the Frankfort Township Republican slate who ran a positive campaign on their record of accomplishments and strong fiscal conservatism. A voter backlash to the Madigan-Chicago style campaigning by the Democrats increased local Republican voting. The Chicago style Democrat efforts in Frankfort Township included: Negative Robo calls with false accusations and without the required attribution; large scale mailings to Frankfort Township Democrat voters threatening to expose them to public ridicule if they did not vote on April 9th; harassment of Democrat voters for failure to send in their absentee ballots; failure to promptly turn over absentee ballot requests to the Will County Clerk's Office; and violations of the Campaign Disclosure laws. The result was that the Frankfort Township Republican slate more than doubled their winning margins from 4 years ago. With papers filed with the State Board of Elections in May and August, 2013, the Frankfort Township Democrats dissolved their organization.

          During the November 4, 2014 General Election, Frankfort Township led Will County in voter turnout.  As a result of the New Lenox, Homer and Frankfort Township Republican Organizations' efforts, Margo McDermed won her election for Illinois House Representative with more Republican votes than any other contested Republican House election in Illinois.  In the November 8, 2016 General Election, the New Lenox, Homer and Frankfort Township Republican Organizations led by far the 24 Will County Townships in getting out more votes for Donald Trump for President than any other Presidential candidates. In the 2018 General Election, the leading statewide Republican candidate was Erika Harold in Will County.  Of the 24 Will County Townships, Erika Harold won Frankfort Township with more Republican votes over the Democrat candidate than any other townships, followed by New Lenox Township second, and Homer Township third.  

          Please join us and find out more about our organization, hear our featured speakers, talk to our elected government office holders, learn about volunteer opportunities, meet the men and women of Republican Precinct Committeemen and add your voice to our efforts to improve government.  The next scheduled meeting for which the general public is invited will be on Tuesday, September 28, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. at the old Frankfort Township Office Building (the blue building), 11008 W. Lincoln Highway, Frankfort, Illinois.  The public is invited.

          The Frankfort Township Republican Organization welcomes you to join us at the events listed above. Please contact us with any questions.

FTRO Meeting Location


Old Frankfort Township Government Building
11008 W. Lincoln Hwy / U.S. 30
Frankfort, IL 60423